Hi there! It's been a little while since I last posted on our blog. We wanted you to know that we've been so happy to have you all as customers over more than 35 years serving the Oceanside area. We are moving to Nova Scotia in 4 weeks at the end of July and would like to invite you to get your maintenance and service done ASAP. We're offering a maintenance check on any appliance in the month of July for only $39. That's a $20 savings off our basic rate and you know we're already the best and cheapest in the area. Not to toot our own horn but it's true.
Contact us for Appliance Repair in Parksville and Qualicum Beach at 250 752-3202
We will be working until July 23rd.
If you are reading this after July 24th, 2011 then please know that we've worked with Curtis Clothier years, we know his company have good technicians and are honest and reliable. And you can contact them at:
Gemini Technical Services 250 752-6871
Details of the $39 deal. We will perform routine maintenance on any appliance for $39 per appliance. Parts, if needed, are extra and at the regular rate and if a problem is found and repaired with your approval then we will charge you the regular rate minus a $20 credit. We do not increase our prices because we're offering a special. We just want your business and to leave you with good working appliances, like we have done for over 30 years. Honesty, Integrity, Service. This is what you've come to know and expect from us.
If you would like to know more about our move, please read our other family blog and to consider sponsoring us or making a donation please check out our website below. And Thanks Very Much!